DRP Safety Element Update – Community Input Session (Meeting Notes)

Thank you for the small group that attended yesterday evening’s workshop on the safety element update (see the attached flyer or  15-minute video ) focusing on how the Department of Regional Planning (DRP) can help unincorporated areas deal with hazards of climate change and resiliency that will be new updates to the existing safety element updates of flood, fire, emergency response, and seismic and geological hazards.
To summarize the ideas discussed around the questions posed by the Department of Regional Planning (what climate hazards affect our community?, what can we do?, and how can LA County help us?) the group came up with the following four items:
  1. Senior wellness checks during periods of extreme heat
  2. Increase in tree cover as part of a General Plan for unincorporated areas (helps with resident wellness, water runoff, smog reduction, CO2 sequestration, reduction of greenhouse gases)
  3. Increase of green space area (our particular area has 1 utility-owned lot utilizing 15,000 sq. ft.  and our request for green space use was rejected by the utility in the past)
  4. Scaling up the water recapture efforts by the County (rain barrel capture even in periods of drought often exceed capacity during light rainfall) to recapture rainwater
Have any ideas that you don’t see reflected above?  We need your inputs.
Please do let us know by July 6th so we can officially send the DRP our comments for their climate adaptation workshop scheduled on July 15 from 6 PM-7 PM –
Pre-register here: bit.ly/3fETNXk