Rain alert: stay safe and stay informed!

Sign up for emergency alerts: http://alert.lacounty.gov

Learn tips on how to staying safe: http://ready.lacounty.gov/rain

From the offices of Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell:

As we’ll experience heavy rain in the next few days, please feel free to visit the following website to see any updates at LA County-level.

The website below has been activated for the February 2024 winter storm and you can also see alert tools and social media accounts to learn recent updates.


For our unhoused communities, LA County will partner with LAHSA and other agencies to provide winter shelters.

Click below to navigate more information on winter shelters and support that are provided. To connect people in need, you can share LAHSA winter shelter number at 213-683-3333 or 211.


Thank you and please share this to your networks and anyone who might benefit from this information. Stay warm and dry, and please take care during this rainy season.